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home sections line text haikus drafts GOOD BARIC'S MANIFESTO – 10 – TRANSFORM We make the first peace by embracing pain. Don’t fight your body’s defense. Previous pain angers you. Why stand in front of pain’s...


home sections line text haikus drafts GOOD BARIC'S MANIFESTO – 11 – LISTEN To understand is to hear. The ear reveals the pain from which we hide. Meditate through listening. Breathe through the other. The ear restores...


home sections line text haikus drafts GOOD BARIC'S MANIFESTO – 12 – YOURSELF Your pain must come first. Emotions are demanding. Listen to yourself. Don’t judge or take breaks. Tolerate your thoughts before accepting...


home sections line text haikus drafts GOOD BARIC'S MANIFESTO – 13 – EARS The ear lessens pain. Though the heart may speak incorrectly, still listen. Mindfulness protects. Listening shines light on shadows so they...


home sections line text haikus drafts GOOD BARIC'S MANIFESTO – 14 – TONGUE The ear liberates the tongue. Restore dialogue by being tactful. Inspire joy and hope. Water wholesomeness. A calm voice travels further.  Practice loving speech. Anger binds the...